Dr. Candace Harrington is an Adult and Geriatric Nurse Practitioner currently practicing with Evercare North Carolina. She has over 20 years of geriatric nursing experience and originally trained in a nursing diploma program. She received a BSN from Gardner-Webb University, a MSN from University of North Carolina - Greensboro. Dr. Harrington received her doctorate in nursing practice from Vanderbilt University where her scholarly project entitled "Nurse Practitioner Practice Patterns: Heart Failure Management in Long-Term Care" provided valuable insight into the perceived barriers to EBP within the long-term care environment and supported efficacious heart failure management by NPs. She authored an original evidence-based clinical practice guideline Assessing Heart Failure in Long-Term Care which is listed in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality CPG database and is being used as a blueprint by healthcare systems to reduce HF readmission rates in LTC settings. This guideline was also featured in the Journal of Gerontological Nursing in February 2008. She has received multiple honors throughout her nursing career including the Sigma Theta Tau MSN Graduate Excellence Award and the Bates Gerontological Nursing Fellowship from UNC Greensboro. She is an active member in the NC Triad Chapter of GAPNA and was recently elected to the GAPNA Nominating Committee.