Christy Kroboth is an adult nurse practitioner at Fellowship Community, Whitehall, PA since March 2011. She has more than 30 years of nursing experience with 15 years of those in geriatrics. She served almost 10 years in the United States Air Force as a medical technician during the Gulf War and several other conflicts/ operations. After joining GAPNA in 2012, she joined the skilled nursing special interest group (SIG) for a few years, assisting with the wound & incontinence education information for the website. In 2016, she joined the Health Affairs Committee and represented GAPNA on the Coalition of Geriatric Nursing Organizations (CGNO) board, where assisted with the development of an informatics on why people should obtain the COVID-19 vaccines. She is currently director-at-large on Liberty chapter board helping inform chapter members of state/federal legislative issues. She is also a member of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners (PCNP) communication committee.