Constance Dahlin ANP-BC, ACHPN, FCPN

Connie Dahlin is anadvanced practice nurse with over 20 years of extensive palliativeadministrative, clinical, and academic experience. She is educated andprepared as an oncology clinical nurse specialist and a nurse practitioner inpalliative care and adult primary care. She co-founded one of the pioneerpalliative care services at Massachusetts General Hospital where she was alsoCo-Director of the outpatient palliative care service. Currently, she isthe Director of Professional Practice at the Hospice and Palliative NursesAssociation, a consultant to the Center to Advance Palliative Care, and Co-PIfor a grant to educate rural and community APRNs on primary palliative care.Her clinical practice as palliative nurse practitioner is at the North ShoreMedical Center in Massachusetts. She serves on the national ELNEC faculty andwas consultant to ELNEC-APRN and ELNEC Critical Care curricula. She isco-editor of the forth coming Textbook of Advanced Practice Palliative Nursingand has numerous articles, chapters, and publications on palliative care. Sheis a clinical associate professor at the MGH Institute of Health Professions,and serves as faculty of the Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care.
