Stu Maddux

Stu Maddux is an award-winning producer and director of independent documentaries about LGBTQ aging and LGBTQ history. He is known for turning Q&A sessions after his films into an open forum where the audience leaves motivated and organized to address the issues presented on screen.

Maddux was born in Montgomery, AL, during the height of the
African-American Civil Rights Movement. Maddux grew up in the middle-class suburbs of Seattle, Washington, Denver, Minneapolis, and Kansas City. It was in an effort to make new friends that he first discovered his passion for film and television by creating a production company of students to make public access cable shows. Upon graduating college, he began a career as a television reporter/anchor in various cities where he garnered six Emmy Awards. Eventually seeking more time to tell a story than the local news would permit, Maddux worked as a producer and director of long-form programming for national networks. His work can be seen on networks internationally including Showtime, BBC, and TLC. Once Maddux reached a position where he could market his own documentaries, he chose to explore the social justice issues that resonated most with him. He has created Interrobang Productions to produce and distribute his independent films. The company is headquartered in Glendale, AZ, where his family manages the day-to-day operations.

He is a graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism and lives in The Bay Area of San Francisco, CA, with his partner of nine years turned husband of seven months . The couple married the day after Proposition 8 was struck down in California.


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