William Simonson PharmD, BCGP, FASCP

Independent Consultant Pharmacist

Dr. William Simonson is an independent consultant pharmacist and is board certified in geriatric pharmacy. He has served as full-time, tenured faculty at Oregon State University of Pharmacy and as an associate professor of Pharmacy Practice and Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine in Geriatrics at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. He has a part-time faculty appointment with Oregon State University College of Pharmacy in Corvallis, Oregon, where he has served as a faculty member with the Oregon Geriatric Education Center on a five-year falls prevention grant and is responsible for teaching geriatric curricular content to PharmD students. Dr. Simonson has more than 200 publications on pharmacy and medication-related topics, is the author of two books, and has delivered more than 800 scientific presentations at local, national, and international symposia. He authors a bi-monthly pharmacy column in Geriatric Nursing. Dr. Simonson is a recipient of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists George F. Archambault Award.
