

Clinical Program Coordinator, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore

Dr. JoAnn Coleman serves as the clinical program coordinator for the Sinai Center for Geriatric Surgery in Baltimore, Maryland. She has worked the majority of her professional career caring for surgical patients, from pre-operative assessment through post-operative follow-up at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. Working on a surgical patient care team she realized greater than 50% of the patients she cared for were 65 years and older. Her doctoral degree focused on the Preoperative Care of the Older Adult Having Surgery for Cancer. This led to her current position, which includes geriatric preoperative assessments on patients over 75 having elective surgery. She was selected to be on the American College of Surgeons grant given by the John A. Hartford Foundation to develop standards for geriatric surgery and establish a new quality program, the Geriatric Surgery Verification Program of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Coleman is a member of GAPNA’s Acute and Emergent Care Special Interest Group and contributed to the Gerontological Resources for APRNs in Acute and Emergent Care Settings.
