
Donna L. Thompson MSN, CRNP, FNP-BC, CCCN-AP

Donna Thompson is a family nurse practitioner and certified advanced practice continence nurse who has specialized her practice over the past 18 years in treating older adults with incontinence. She currently works part time in the division of urogynecology at University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia, PA, as well as for a practice of 4 urologists outside the city, for whom she does urology rounds at a 900-bed LTC facility. She has also started her own consultation business, Continence Solutions, where she provides continence evaluation and management to LTC facilities. Ms. Thompson has authored a number of publications on the topic, has spoken at numerous conferences, and has recently retired from her position of board president for the WOCNCB. She is the 2014 recipient of the Rodney Appell Continence Champion Award.
